Quality objectives
We supply good quality products at the right price and time.
Customer satisfaction shall not be less than 4 on average (range 1-5).
Annual cost deviations shall not exceed 1% of the annual turnover.
Costs for warranty work shall be reduced by 10% annually.
Kverneland Aqua - Quality and HSE policy
This is a brief description of the company’s routines for quality management, with focus on quality assurance, resource management, management responsibility, manufacturing process and continuous analysis and improvement.
Quality and HSE assurance
The company works according to procedures in the company's quality assurance system, to ensure that products and services are performed in a safe way with regard to health, safety and environment requirements and that the products meet the requirements of authorities, class companies and Customers. The company will work to minimize environmental pressure and comply with all relevant environmental requirements. The company will have a working environment that stimulates creativity, efficiency and well-being. Our activities must be carried out in a safe and thoughtful manner without personal injury or damage to equipment or the environment.
Resource planning The company's management allocates the right resources for ongoing projects so that the projects are performed in the most efficient manner.
Management responsibility The company puts the Customer in focus, and will deliver the right quality at the agreed price and time. Management's commitment is crucial for the company to achieve its goals in this work.
Manufacturing process Production takes place in accordance with established and approved routines. The production of the company's products will take place in the most efficient way that takes into account Health, Environment and Safety. All subcontractors of manufacturing services on critical components must be approved in advance in accordance with the company's approval procedure for subcontractors.
Continuous analysis and improvement Through constant monitoring Kverneland Aqua will ensure continuous improvement.
In order to be an approved supplier, we are certified with ISO 9001 (Std. for Quality Management), 14001 (Std. for Environmental Management), 45001 (Std. for HSE ), and follow the guidelines of UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Kverneland Aqua`s Quality and HSE management system is based on the requirements in ISO 9001, 14001, 45001.
Magnet JQS is a joint qualification system used by operators and entrepreneurs to source, screen, qualify and monitor suppliers in accordance with their respective qualification and procurement requirements.
We can proudly state that we are a qualified supplier at Magnet JQS after reviewing and passing the qualification requirements.
Magnet JQS has adapted the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) as a category standard for the registration of products and services.;